Sub title:
Associated professor
Research groups:
Energy Productivity and Utilization
Vertical Tabs
Postgraduate Courses (Ph.D. & M.Sc.)
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST)
Energy Systems Analysis
Optimization of Energy Streams
Energy Modeling
Advanced Energy Conversion Systems
Design of Combined Heat and Power Systems
Department of Energy Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University
Energy Systems Analysis
Thermal Systems Design
Energy Modeling
Advanced Mathematical Programming
Energy Intensive Industries
Undergraduate Courses (B.Sc.)
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad University
Fluid Mechanics
Workshops and Teaching Experience:
- Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) Training on Sustainable Development and Leadership Enhancement, Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS), 2021, China, Online.
- Regional Workshop on Technology Transfer - Renewable Energy Technologies for Climate Change Mitigation, Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT) of United Nations ESCAP, 2020, Bangkok, Thailand.
- WAITRO Capacity Building Program On Solar Thermal Technology for Industrial Application 28th April – 4th May 2019, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.
- International Training Workshop on Technopreneurship for Developing Countries, Prepared by NAM S&T Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11-15 March 2019.
- APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Training Workshop on Development and Application of Solar Technologies and Products, August 15-19, 2016, Kunming, China.
- Compressed Air System Optimization User Training Course, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), 3rd - 4th February 2016, Tehran, Iran.
- Asia Pacific Regional Workshop on Biomass Energy Resource Assessment, 6-8 July 2015, Bangkok, Thailand, organized by Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT) – (International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).
- Biomass Open Research Forum, Biomass Resource Assessment for ASEAN+6 Countries, 9th-10th July 2015, Rama Gardens Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, organized by Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT) – (International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).
- A Brief Review (Theory and Application) within En.M.S. According to ISO 50001:2011, Iran Energy Association, 22nd Jan 2015, Tehran, Iran.
- Technology of Extracting Energy from Biomass Sources (Iran Energy Association), 10th Jan 2013, Tehran, Iran.
- Energy Management Systems & Productivity (Iran Energy Association), 17th may 2012, Tehran, Iran.
- Management Systems and Energy Management (TUV Academy), 4th March 2010, Tehran, Iran.
- Computer Operation, Computer Programming and Data Base Design, Iran Technical & Vocational Training Organization, Certificates from Tehran Technical & Vocational Training Organization, 2004-2008.
Research Experience:
(I) As Principal Investigator
2020 “Evaluate and analyze the effective parameters and provide a solution to modify the structure of air and flue gas lines in the turbochargers of TGM6 locomotives to improve energy performance and reduce emissions”, Choghart Bafgh Mining and Development Cooperative Company, Bafgh, Iran.
2020 “Design and Development of a Predictive Model for Steam Consumption by Machine Learning Method for Gas Sweetening Process (Unit 101)”, South Pars Gas Company, South Pars, Iran.
2020 “Development of a One-Dimensional Model to Predict Ingestion Phenomenon Based on Three-Dimensional Numerical Solution for the Path of Secondary Air Flow Network in an Industrial Gas Turbine”, Turbotec Co., Tehran, Iran.
2019 “Detailed Studies of Domestic Market of Major Agricultural and Forest Waste to Electricity and Heat by Gasification or Advanced Combustion Technologies and the Provision of Related Technical, Policy and Investment Packages”, Niroo Research Center, Tehran, Iran.
2018 “Technical and Economic Study of Tarasht Power Plant Boiler Exhaust and its Use in Kalina Cycle to Produce Electricity”, Tarasht Power Plant Co., Tehran, Iran.
2018 “Techno-Economic Feasibility Study of Using Solar Energy for Power Generation at Khor & Biabanak Potash Complex”, Iranian Mines & Mining Industries Development & Renovation (IMIDRO), Tehran, Iran.
2018 “Technical and Economic Feasibility Study of an off-grid Solar-Pumping System for Three Different Capacities at the Potash Khor & Biabanak Complex”, Iranian Mines & Mining Industries Development & Renovation (IMIDRO), Tehran, Iran.
2017 “Design and Implementation of a Downdraft Biomass Gasifier in Accordance with the terms of Biomass Resources in Iran”, Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), Tehran, Iran.
2017 “Modeling and Conceptual Designing of a Small-Scale Fluidized Bed Gasifier to Manage and Generate Energy from Wastes in Iran”, Noandish Energy Engineering Company (NEECO), Tehran, Iran.
2017 “Preparing Five Request for Proposals (RFP) to Study on Biomass Gasification Technologies for Using in the Energy Market of Iran”, Niroo Research Institute, Tehran, Iran.
2017 “Feasibility Study and Techno-Economic Analysis of Designing Solid Polymer Fuel Cell and Auto Thermal Reforming of Natural Gas Combined Heat and Power System (CHP)”, Tadbir Behsazi Tateis, Tehran, Iran.
2016 “Implementation of a New Approach to Design and Modeling of Polymer Fuel Cell”, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
2015 “Development of Energy Encyclopedia Application, First Phase: Research, Data Collection and Primary Product”, AVAM Group Corporation, Tehran, Iran.
2015 “Investigation and Production of a Comprehensive Energy Management Application”, AVAM Group Corporation, Tehran, Iran.
2014 “Simulation of a Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Compared with Polymeric Membrane Fuel Cell Types”, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
2011 “Modeling SOFC & GT Integrated-Cycle Power System Using Auxiliary Systems with Energy Consumption Minimizing Target to Improve System Performance”, Iranian Fuel Conservation Company, Tehran, Iran.
(II) As Co-Investigator
2019 “Investigation of the Set-up Procedures of the P104-unit Synchronous Motor to Reduce the Impact on the Power Grid and Decrease Start-up Amortization, Iran Central Iron Ore Company”, Bafgh, Iran.
2014 “Optimal Design with Energy Balance View Point in a Compact Heat Exchanger as a Heat Energy Recovery System (Case Study: The Industrial Preheater), Material and Energy Research Center”, Tehran, Iran, Completed.
2020 “Evaluate and analyze the effective parameters and provide a solution to modify the structure of air and flue gas lines in the turbochargers of TGM6 locomotives to improve energy performance and reduce emissions”, Choghart Bafgh Mining and Development Cooperative Company, Bafgh, Iran.
2020 “Design and Development of a Predictive Model for Steam Consumption by Machine Learning Method for Gas Sweetening Process (Unit 101)”, South Pars Gas Company, South Pars, Iran.
2020 “Development of a One-Dimensional Model to Predict Ingestion Phenomenon Based on Three-Dimensional Numerical Solution for the Path of Secondary Air Flow Network in an Industrial Gas Turbine”, Turbotec Co., Tehran, Iran.
2019 “Detailed Studies of Domestic Market of Major Agricultural and Forest Waste to Electricity and Heat by Gasification or Advanced Combustion Technologies and the Provision of Related Technical, Policy and Investment Packages”, Niroo Research Center, Tehran, Iran.
2018 “Technical and Economic Study of Tarasht Power Plant Boiler Exhaust and its Use in Kalina Cycle to Produce Electricity”, Tarasht Power Plant Co., Tehran, Iran.
2018 “Techno-Economic Feasibility Study of Using Solar Energy for Power Generation at Khor & Biabanak Potash Complex”, Iranian Mines & Mining Industries Development & Renovation (IMIDRO), Tehran, Iran.
2018 “Technical and Economic Feasibility Study of an off-grid Solar-Pumping System for Three Different Capacities at the Potash Khor & Biabanak Complex”, Iranian Mines & Mining Industries Development & Renovation (IMIDRO), Tehran, Iran.
2017 “Design and Implementation of a Downdraft Biomass Gasifier in Accordance with the terms of Biomass Resources in Iran”, Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), Tehran, Iran.
2017 “Modeling and Conceptual Designing of a Small-Scale Fluidized Bed Gasifier to Manage and Generate Energy from Wastes in Iran”, Noandish Energy Engineering Company (NEECO), Tehran, Iran.
2017 “Preparing Five Request for Proposals (RFP) to Study on Biomass Gasification Technologies for Using in the Energy Market of Iran”, Niroo Research Institute, Tehran, Iran.
2017 “Feasibility Study and Techno-Economic Analysis of Designing Solid Polymer Fuel Cell and Auto Thermal Reforming of Natural Gas Combined Heat and Power System (CHP)”, Tadbir Behsazi Tateis, Tehran, Iran.
2016 “Implementation of a New Approach to Design and Modeling of Polymer Fuel Cell”, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
2015 “Development of Energy Encyclopedia Application, First Phase: Research, Data Collection and Primary Product”, AVAM Group Corporation, Tehran, Iran.
2015 “Investigation and Production of a Comprehensive Energy Management Application”, AVAM Group Corporation, Tehran, Iran.
2014 “Simulation of a Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Compared with Polymeric Membrane Fuel Cell Types”, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
2011 “Modeling SOFC & GT Integrated-Cycle Power System Using Auxiliary Systems with Energy Consumption Minimizing Target to Improve System Performance”, Iranian Fuel Conservation Company, Tehran, Iran.
(II) As Co-Investigator
2019 “Investigation of the Set-up Procedures of the P104-unit Synchronous Motor to Reduce the Impact on the Power Grid and Decrease Start-up Amortization, Iran Central Iron Ore Company”, Bafgh, Iran.
2014 “Optimal Design with Energy Balance View Point in a Compact Heat Exchanger as a Heat Energy Recovery System (Case Study: The Industrial Preheater), Material and Energy Research Center”, Tehran, Iran, Completed.
- Member of the Technical Committee for the Arbitration of Mechanical and Energy Engineering of the Khwarizmi International Award (2015-Present);
- Board Member of the IROST Science and Technology Park (2022);
- Member of the Iran Energy Association (2012-Present);
- Member of Energy Management and Incinerators Standards (2016-Present).
Honors and Awards:
Top 1% of Ph.D. and MSc Students in Energy Engineering Department, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University.
Best Reviewer of the 1st International Conference on Energy Management and Technology, 21st February, Tehran, Iran.
Best Oral Presentation in the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Tehran, Iran.
Best Oral Presentation in the First International Comprehensive Competition Conference of Engineering Sciences in Iran, 8th September, Anzali, Iran.
Best Oral Presentation in the 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security (SUSTAIN) 2012, 3-5 November, Kyoto, Japan.
Professional Experiences and Skills:
General: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Process Modelling: Cycle-Tempo, Aspen HYSYS, Thermoflow
CFD Simulation: ANSYS Fluent, COMSOL Multiphysics
Energy Modelling: EES, PVSOL, RETScreen, EnergyPlus
Mathematical Programming: MATLAB, Python, GAMS
General Programming Languages: C++, C#
Patent Law - World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO);Branding;
Strategy and Planning;
Value Assessment;
Team Building and Strategic Alliances;
Business Development.
Professional Research Experience:
Reviewing Experiences
The Reviewer of Several International Scientific Journals (ISI & ISC). More than 100 papers have been reviewed.
The Reviewer of Several National and International Scientific Conferences.
The Reviewer of the Mechanical and Energy Engineering of the Khwarizmi International Award. Around 50 plans have been reviewed.
Reviewer of the Patents in the field of Mechanical and Energy Engineering. Around 90 proposals have been reviewed.
The Reviewer of Iran National Science Foundation for Investigation of Researchers and Companies.
The Reviewer of Technological Capabilities of the Tech Companies.
The Reviewer of Several National and International Scientific Conferences.
The Reviewer of the Mechanical and Energy Engineering of the Khwarizmi International Award. Around 50 plans have been reviewed.
Reviewer of the Patents in the field of Mechanical and Energy Engineering. Around 90 proposals have been reviewed.
The Reviewer of Iran National Science Foundation for Investigation of Researchers and Companies.
The Reviewer of Technological Capabilities of the Tech Companies.
Executive Experience:
- Deputy Director of Technology Support Affairs at Science and Technology Park, 2021-2022
- Director General of Central Office for University and Industry Liaison, 2018-2021
- Head of Energy Conversion and Productivity Research Group, 2017-2018
Industrial Experience:
Senior Advisor – Parse Energy Co.
Business Development Working Group (2014-Present)
Senior Development Manager – Energy House Co.
Department of Energy Management (2012-Present)
Invited talks:
2022 Int'l Conference on Renewable Energy and & Energy Systems (REES 2022), April 22-24, Suzhou, China.
Regional Expert Meeting on Renewable Energy Focusing on Microalgae Technology Using Ocean Resources including Solar and Fuel Cell, 31st October-1st November, Zahedan, Iran, 2016.
Sixth National Conference on Energy Management and Environment, 22 December, Tehran, Iran, 2016.
Regional Expert Meeting on Renewable Energy Focusing on Microalgae Technology Using Ocean Resources including Solar and Fuel Cell, 31st October-1st November, Zahedan, Iran, 2016.
Sixth National Conference on Energy Management and Environment, 22 December, Tehran, Iran, 2016.
Guided theses:
Ph.D. Theses
- Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of Ingestion Phenomenon for Secondary Air Flow Network in an Industrial Gas Turbine, (Ph.D. Thesis – Samaneh Hajikhani), 2020, (as the main Supervisor), Department of Mechanical Engineering, IROST, Tehran, IRAN.
- Design and Development of a Non-Linear Mathematical Model to Prediction, Operational Control and Improvement of the Energy Performance of Gas Sweetening Process, (Ph.D. Thesis – Meisam Moghadasi), 2019, (as the main Supervisor), Department of Mechanical Engineering, IROST, Tehran, IRAN.
- The Modeling of Rankin-Kalina comprehensive cycle and analyzing parameters for improving the performance of heat recovery systems from low temperature sources, (Ph.D. Thesis – Mahmoodreza Shahrokhi), 2018, (as the main Supervisor), Department of Mechanical Engineering, IROST, Tehran, IRAN.
- Energy Modeling and Parametric Analysis of a Combined Biomass Gasifier Power Plant, Equipped with Advanced CHAT Cycle, (Ph.D. Thesis – Saeed Hosseinpour), 2017, (as Advisor), Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IRAN.
- Static & dynamic modeling of gas turbine advanced cycle for system energy performance promotion (Case study: G11 unit in Yazd Zanbagh power plant), (Ph.D. Thesis – Mahdi Arabi), 2015, (as Advisor), Institute of Materials and Energy (MERC), Tehran, IRAN.
M.Sc. Theses
- Modeling and Process Analysis of Biomass Gasifier-Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell-Turbo Expander-Steam Turbine as a Combined Power Generator Cycle, (M.Sc. Thesis – Sadaf Beykali), 2017, (as the main Supervisor), Department of Chemical Engineering, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IRAN.
- Modeling and Consideration of Energy Conservation Approaches in Semnan Oil Pump Station, (M.Sc. Thesis – Mohsen Shahabi), 2017, (as Advisor), Department of Energy Engineering, College of Environmental and Energy, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IRAN.
- Technical analysis and presentation an approach regarding to improve a gas turbine model Ruston TA- 1750 in the Cheshme-shoor pump station using FOG inlet air cooling system, (M.Sc. Thesis – Ali Pirzadeh), 2016, (as main Supervisor), Department of Energy Engineering, College of Environmental and Energy, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IRAN.
- Energy Modeling and Develop an Approach to Improve Performance of Air Conditioning System by Using Drain Water, (M.Sc. Thesis – Mahmoud Karami), 2016, (as the main Supervisor), Department of Energy Engineering, College of Environmental and Energy, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IRAN.
- Energy Consumption Reduction of Steam System in the Production Complexes of Tehran Tobacco Factory by Process Modification Approach, (M.Sc. Thesis – Ehsan Ramezanali), 2016, (as Advisor), Department of Energy Engineering, College of Environmental and Energy, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IRAN.
- Modeling and simulation of IBG-SOFC-CHAT comprehensive cycle in combination with carbon capture system, (M.Sc. Thesis – Samadi Soufi), 2016, (as the main Supervisor), Department of Energy Engineering, College of Environmental and Energy, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IRAN.
- Modeling and analyzing of different heat recovery steam generator configurations in the biomass gasifier-solid oxide fuel cell-gas turbine hybrid power cycle, (M.Sc. Thesis – Mohammad Rasooli Mavini), 2016, (as main Supervisor), Department of Energy Engineering, College of Environmental and Energy, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IRAN.
- Simulating of Power Generating Process of Biomass Gasification-PEM Fuel Cell System with Energy Storage Approach by Vanadium Redox Flow Batter, (M.Sc. Thesis – Hossein Sharifi), 2016, (as main Supervisor), Department of Energy Engineering, College of Environmental and Energy, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IRAN.
- Optimal Design of Compact Air Heat Exchanger Using for a Standard Air Cycle in the Gas Turbine Bottoming Cycle, (M.Sc. Thesis – Fatemeh Nilsaz), 2016, (as main Supervisor), Department of Energy Engineering, College of Environmental and Energy, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IRAN.
- Modeling and techno-economic feasibility study for designing a mobile clinic equipped with hybrid renewable energy generator, (M.Sc. Thesis – Neda Azhdarzadeh), 2016, (as Advisor), Department of Energy Engineering, College of Environmental and Energy, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IRAN.
- Energy Modeling and hybrid system design photovoltaic, wind power and fuel cell connecting to electrical grid for power supply of Government buildings, (M.Sc. Thesis – Kashayar Khatoonabadi), 2016, (as Advisor), Department of Energy Engineering, College of Environmental and Energy, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IRAN.
- Modeling and Simulating of Biomass Gasification with Carbon Capture Systems in the Pulp and Paper Mills from the View Point of Energy, (M.Sc. Thesis - Sadegh Khatami), 2015 (as main Supervisor), Department of Energy Engineering, College of Environmental and Energy, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IRAN.
- Modeling and evaluation of wind energy application along with energy storage approach by vanadium redox flow battery, (M.Sc. Thesis - Hadi Qanadha), 2015, (as main Supervisor), Department of Energy Engineering, College of Environmental and Energy, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IRAN.
- Modeling a zero energy cabin with the use of renewable energy and environmentally friendly, (M.Sc. Thesis – Babak Latifi), 2015, (as Advisor), Department of Energy Engineering, College of Environmental and Energy, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IRAN.